Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

marriage encounter

Wulan is confused. Because marriage just to stay one week longer. The whole preparation has been done, ranging from care of a marriage license, knick-knacks until the wedding. But a lump in mind Wulan. There is a sense of worry that he did not know the source. Various input from families on procedures and equipment wedding, which is different from wanting too often create tension Wulan ride. Not to mention, his knowledge of the world marriage is still very limited at all, makes it even more nervous facing marriage.
Another with Narti. After being single for so long, finally came the prince to propose to her. Actually Narti've read many books about marriage. It also has many friends who are married and have children also made it understood the world of marriage and knick-perniknya. But there was something that worried him, could he be a good wife and mother for his family. Is he able to share everything with her husband one day, whereas now he was used independently. Take care of everything themselves. Suddenly she was so afraid of the wedding is getting closer.
Many people are confused when faced with marriage. There are busy preparing for marriage and knick-knacks wedding, but forgot to prepare science, mental and spiritual in living. Although everyone knows that marriage is worship, to fulfill half of religion, but because of busy preparation for marriage and party supplies often make the nuances of worship in a memorable wedding.
There are some preparations that need to be addressed before the wedding, which is the science of marriage preparation, mental preparation / psychological in the face of marriage, ruhiyyah preparations before the wedding as well as physical preparation before marriage.
1. Studies on marriage preparation
Things to prepare is to clarify the vision of marriage. For what we are married. Clear vision and equally between husband and wife, God willing will sustain a marriage.
Many people who marry only for love, or follow the tradition of the community. It could also be due to shame because it was old enough but still not as well to the aisle. Reasons such as these have no roots are apparent. Can also become very brittle when it entered the ark of household, and finally destroyed when the storm comes crashing home.
As a Muslim who has lived a clear reference, of course we know that marriage is for worship. Vision of marriage in Islam is to draw a lot of reward through the activity of menage. Distance himself and family from the flames of hell, and finally trying to achieve happiness in the world and the Hereafter. If someone is thinking about a vision like this, God willing the days that passes after marriage will try to face in accordance with the laws of Islam.
Science else you should know is about the marriage laws. As the pillar of marriage, ie the bride and groom, two witnesses, guardians of the women and consent granted. When you have fulfilled all of them, God willing, be a valid religious marriage.
Then the obligation to give dowry as requested by the female. Then the problem walimatul ursy (wedding). Traditions of the area is not a mandatory thing to do. Even as much as possible to avoid a conflict with the traditions of the Islamic Aqeedah. Then also simplifies the whole process of marriage is more mainstream. Also simplify the wedding, not extravagance better in the view of Islam.
2. Preparation of mental / psychological facing marriage.
Marriage is a new life very much different from previous eras. In the marriage of two distinct persons gathered from families who have different habits. In it open all the properties of their respective original. Prepare yourself to face any shortage of charitable partner is absolutely necessary. Likewise, ways of communicating our thoughts and feelings with a good partner is also worth noting, that negative emotions do not paint our homes.
In marriage also needed a sense of responsibility to fulfill the rights and obligations of each. So that each family member not only demand their rights, but try to first meet its obligations.
Marriage is a manifestation of a team of our lives to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter. Therefore, cooperation, mutual support in all things indispensable. Included in the education of children. Marriage is also a means to continuously learn about life. When entering the world of marriage a person learns to be a part of team life. When a childless person learns to educate children in a good way. Not infrequently parents also need to force yourself to change bad habits in order not to be imitated by children. When the children before the adult parents learn to make their children as friends, as part of the team's active life moving wheel of life, and so on.
3. Preparation Ruhiyyah / spiritual.
Married worship, therefore the entire process through which the marriage must be with the feel of worship. Process before getting married until the marriage itself as well after getting married should not be far away from the nuances of servitude to God. Before marriage increase the quality of self and the quality of worship is absolutely necessary. Pray to God to get a sholih husband and children who will be conditioning of the eye.
Associating with people who can keep the deen sholih we also need to be done. Read books about the virtues of marriage also needs to be done to strengthen our faith in marriage.
When a proposal comes, worship increasingly tightened. Continue to ask God to get the best as our partner. Currently, we also need to cleanse the liver so that the intention of worship in this marriage did not deviate. Also maintain the sanctity of our relationship with future husband until the arrival time of marriage is necessary, in order not to fall into the temptation of Satan.The days between the proposed and the wedding should be shortened to clean intentions and human relations can be maintained.
4. Physical Preparation
The latter is no less important dalah our body prepares to enter the world of weddings. Knowing the woman's reproductive organs and the way it works is very important to us.
Checking the health of reproductive organs is also important to avoid things that are unwanted after marriage.In addition, we need to know about healthy sex. Many ornag married but do not know how to have sex with a healthy and enjoyable for each pair.This is important because it is part of the key to happiness in marriage.

The Ideal Marriage Preparation Need Planned

To get a sweet series of wedding day, try to create a checklist that contains the chronology of events and plans, including the main steps to be taken. Married couples will have already prepared everything, ie at least 3-6 months in advance before the wedding day.

3 months before D-day:
1. Decide immediately the type and magnitude of your wedding event, estimate the costs to be incurred, and make a resolution not to exceed the budget that has been budgeted.
2. Hold a family meeting that included both parties to set the date and exact time of your wedding.

3. Decide where the wedding ceremony and reception will be held, and do cross-check whether the site will be available on the dates you want. Simultaneously, also the cost of the necessary checks and record in your wedding planner.
4. You went to a variety of florists in the city, if it is found that 'fit', immediately make a reservation so you do not have to worry anymore about flower orders.
5. Make an appointment with a photographer and videographer to document your wedding.
6. Make a guest list that will be invited. This will minimize the possibility of a close friend you are missed on the guest list.
7. Choose invitations that you want. This is a precaution in case you wedding wedding package that you ordered do not provide invitation cards.
8. Start shopping for all the knick-knacks wedding needs.
9. If you want a wedding ceremony and reception held at the house of worship, talk to the managers concerned, especially about things that can and can not be done.
10. Begin cleaning the house and repainted the walls. That is if you decide to hold a reception in your home.

2 months before D-day:
1. Complete your shopping list. Check again, who knows there will be missed.
2. When you need a bridesmaid and ayu bestmen or fence and the fence is good, remind them to try (fittings) dress or suit them.
3. Make appointment with the doctor or clinic for pre-married medical check-ups.
4. Make a detailed plan with the catering, restaurant or hotel on the food menu, seating arrangement, layout of parking and various other things.
5. Make an agreement with a hair dresser, beautician, or make-up artist for your dressing on the day of H. And do not forget to arrange accommodation if you are inviting guests from out of town tau abroad.

1 month before D-day:
1. Arrange reservations in a newspaper column, if you want to make announcements about your wedding. Hl Generally this is done by those who are married outing.
2. Make sure once again your invitation list, and start sending the invitations, so that all the invitation cards that can be up to much the day before your wedding day.
3. Go to a jewelry store, choose a ring that you berduai like.
4. Begin to prepare what you intend to take on their honeymoon, such as inserting clothes into a suitcase or buy other equipment.
5. Make sure once again you deal with professionals you hire, such as photographers, videographers, beautician, hairdresser, catering, wedding organizer and handling florist bouquets and hand bouquet.
6. Record in your diary to check all accessories and wedding dresses, prior to receiving everything from the bridal house.
7. Most importantly, make your wedding rehearsal. Record the time required for each eye the event, in order to avoid things that are less important. You'll want a beautiful wedding flawless.

Hal-hal Dalam pernikahan Yang Harus Di Perhatikan

Pernikahan adalah perhelatan yang sangat menguras perhatian dan juga sakral. Persiapan pernikahan pada umumnya memerlukan waktu paling tidak sekitar 8-12 bulan jika segala sesuatunya dilakukan sendiri.
Jika anda tidak punya waktu selama itu, manfaatkanlah jasa wedding organizer yang umumnya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 6-8 bulan. Sebetulnya apa saja sih, yang harus dipersiapkan? berikut hal-hal yang perlu anda persiapkan untuk pesta pernikahan anda...
1. Menentukan tanggal pernikahan
Walaupun pada dasarnya semua hari itu baik, tak ada salahnya mencantumkan tanggal dan bulan favorit sebagai tanggal pernikahan. Hal ini akan memudahkan anda untuk mengingat dan merayakannya.
2. Menentukan jumlah undangan dan anggaran
Sebelum menentukan anggaran pernikahan, hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah menentukan jumlah undangan, karena menjadi tolak ukur paling tepat untuk menentukan anggaran dan besarnya ruangan untuk pesta.
Sesuai standar internasional, sisihkan 40% dari total anggaran untuk keperluan catering, bisa juga termasuk souvenir seperti chocolate wedding souvenir maupun jenis souvenir lain. Sisanya sebanyak 60% dapat anda gunakan untuk 6 keperluan utama lainnya, yaitu gedung, acara dan MC, dokumentasi, dekorasi, bridal attire (baju dan tata riasnya) serta undangan dan suvenir.
3. Menentukan gedung
Saatnya menentukan lokasi dan gedung yang akan digunakan. Jika sudah terlanjur menentukan pada satu gedung yang bernuansa romantis tapi kapasitasnya tidak terlalu besar, bagilah undangan dalam 2 waktu yang berbeda. Misalnya jam 19.00-20.00 untuk orangtua dan 20.00-21.00 untuk teman-teman anda dan pasangan. Apakah Anda akan menggunakan musik organ, tentunya perlu diperhatikan kapasitas & keadaan gedung juga.
4. Menentukan gaya dan tema pesta
Demi keserasian pesta, anda harus menentukan tema, sehingga anda dan pasangan dapat menentukan kebaya atau gaun dan jas seperti yang akan dikenakan pada saat pesta berlangsung.
Padukan warna gaun dan dekorasi dengan warna yang sesuai dengan karakter anda berdua. Gaya dan pesta ini biasanya juga akan tampak pada menu makanan, suvenir dan undangan.
5. Lakukan perawatan diri
Bila 4 hal penting diatas sudah dilakukan, kini saatnya melakukan perawatan diri mulai dari lulur, mandi rempah, perawatan wajah, dan pusat kebugaran agar pada saat pernikahan nanti tampil prima. Perawatan diri ini sebaiknya dilakukan oleh kedua mempelai sehingga agar keduanya bisa tampil prima saat pesta pernikahan digelar. Kalau kurang fit, Anda bisa memanfaatkan jasa klinik kesehatan agar tetap fit menuju hari H.